Balance in Children

Why is it important that children develop a good sense of balance? There are many factors and reasons; read below to find out more!

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Balance is a very important aspect for children to develop as it is required in so many functional movements that are performed on a daily basis. Our ‘sense’ of balance is based on the functioning of the vestibular, visual and proprioceptive system which all work to help oneself to maintain an upright position, or keep from falling over when performing a task. Balance is thus a multi-sensory activity. 

The development of balance is of extreme importance when developing as it forms the basis from which other skills can be developed. Such as if a child is unable to walk and keeps falling, this will limit them from exploring their environment and learning through play and movement. 

Stilts walking
Balance blind folded

There are two types of balance, namely static and dynamic balance. Static balance refers to the ability to maintain equilibrium while not in motion, therefore standing still. Dynamic balance refers to the ability to maintain equilibrium while performing coordinated movements that allow one to move from point A to point B. 

Balance training in children has shown to improve postural control, increase strength of the lower extremity and improving overall performance in daily activities, such as reducing the risk of falls and injuries. This can make a significant impact in a child’s development and can allow them to reach their full potential as well as increase self-esteem as they will feel more confident in themselves.

How do you know if your child is struggling?

If your child is struggling with balance, you may notice it in simple tasks such as being unable to get dressed alone in the morning. When they put their shirt on they may lose their balance as their visual system is blocked, or when putting on pants and they need to balance on one leg to do so, but struggle.

In movement these children may appear clumsy and uncoordinated as they struggle to maintain balance performing tasks such as kicking a ball, playing games that require quick change of direction (such as tag) and jumping over objects.

10 Activities to do at Home:

Watch this video for 10 activities to do with your kids at home! 

  1. Line Walk – walk normally, heel-to-toe or tip toes
  2. Balance on one leg to pick objects up
  3. Hopscotch
  4. Hop 2 feet in a straight line
  5. Balance on one leg and pick items over
  6. Keep a balloon in the air using only your feet
  7. Balance on one leg and hit a balloon in the air
  8. Jump with two feet on paper plates spaced out
  9. Balance on all fours and lift one limb for 5 seconds
  10. Roll forwards and backwards on a large ball


If you think your child is struggling with their balance and you are looking for advice, leave a comment and I will get back to you!

If you would like them to come for a Kinderkinetics session, contact me here

For more activities to do at home and keep your kiddos busy, visit our YouTube channel

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